Hiring new employees? Interested in funding to help pay for training?
The Halifax County Chamber of Commerce is hosting an
On-the-Job Training Information Session
Thursday, December 2, 2021
9am - 10am
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center's
Innovation Center Tiered Classroom
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) gives businesses funds to provide OJT to eligible individuals to train them in a skilled or semi-skilled occupation.
What is OJT?
On-the-Job Training is a method of training new employees at your worksite, using the company's skilled employees as instructors. OJT provides a unique opportunity for employers to hire and save money on training at the same time. On-the-job training is a contractual agreement made between an employer and Virginia Career Works South Central. The employer agrees to hire and provide substantive On-The-Job training to a qualified individual. Virginia Career Works South Central will reimburse the employer up to 50% of the training period wage, up to the participant's individual account limit.
How does OJT benefit your business?
Employers are reimbursed up to 50% of a new employee's starting wage rate to offset extraordinary training costs. Reimbursement lasts from three months up to 6 months, depending on the complexity of the job and the current skills and qualifications of new employees.
Who Should Attend?
Any employer of any size with job openings.
Date and Time
Thursday Dec 2, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center
Innovation Center Tiered Classroom